Eastside FoundationThe Eastside Christian School Foundation was formed in 2004 as a response to the need for additional long-term financial support for the school. With the rising costs of education we believe it is important to ensure the education provided at Eastside is available and affordable for generations to come. The objective of the foundation is to accumulate endowment funds, which are invested for long term growth. The earnings of the funds are used to enhance the education provided at Eastside as well as reduce the cost of tuition for our families.
If you are interested in donating to the Foundation, you may contact the school. Foundation Honor Roll Gifts to Eastside Eastside Christian School Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, EIN 20-1805102. |
Foundation BoardThe Eastside Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees. These members are elected by a society of Eastside Christian School at its annual society meeting:
Cheryl Corson
Tom Flikkema Phil Kleyn Tom J Newhof Abby Thompson Dana VanPutten |